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 AACN Rubric NUR291

Hey, I need help on writing this paper,  its a 3-page paper plus a title page and works cited page using the AACN Essentials reflected within their clinical experiences. 7th addition APA format must be used.

This is the website for topics, pick one. Please make sure that you use a current nursing article within 5 years and a copy of the article that you used.

I have provided the rubric that needs to be followed and the instructions on what this paper is about and what is being asked. 

Copy of NURS 2910 Acute Adult Health-AACN

Essentials Paper Rubric Course: Acute Adult Health Nursing Section A Spring 2024 CO

Criteria Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Criterion Score

Introduction / 10

Body – Area and

Types of



/ 15

Body – Current


/ 10

10 points

Provides a thorough description of the AACN Essentials topic/research and why it provides a framework and expectations for professional nursing education. Includes strong statistical evidence.

8 points

Provides a brief description of the topic/research and why it is important to the framework and expectations for [professional nursing education. Includes some applicable statistics.

6 points

Provides a minimal description of the topic and why it is important to the framework and expectations for professional nursing education or provides only one or the other requirement. No statistical support provided.

15 points

Introduces and thoroughly describes the area of healthcare and types of patients that this research impacts with examples that show connections.

12 points

Introduces and describes the area of healthcare and types of patients that this research impacts with clear understanding and connections evident.

10 points

Attempts to introduce and describe the area of healthcare and types of patients that this research impacts but shows poor understanding and connections.

10 points

Provides clear and distinct details about the current practice in the healthcare setting. Provides references to support.

8 points

Provides details about the current practice in the healthcare setting.

6 points

Provides minimal details or no details about the current practice in the healthcare setting.

Criteria Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Criterion Score

Body- AACN


/ 30

Body –


of Research

/ 15

Conclusion –

summary and


applicability of


/ 10



/ 5

30 points

Clear, thorough, and reasonable identification and explanation of the AACN Essential most effected by the research or findings in the article. Clinical reasoning very evident.

26 points

Identification and explanation of the area of the AACN Essential most effected by the research or findings in the article. Clinical reasoning evident.

23 points

Minimal identification and explanation of the area of the AACN Essential most effected by the research or findings in the article; OR identification without explanation. Clinical reasoning weak or absent.

15 points

Clear, concise, and reasonable discussion of the implementation of the research including current practice change, future research needs, and ease of transition.

12 points

Discussion of the implementation of the research including current practice change, future research needs, and ease of transition.

10 points

Minimal discussion of the implementation of the research, and or components that are missing (current practice change, future research needs, and ease of transition).

10 points

Summarizes paper clearly. Clinical reasoning evident through ability to explain applicability of research findings in real-world healthcare

8 points

Attempts to Summarize paper. Some evidence of clinical reasoning present through ability to explain applicability of research findings in real-world healthcare

6 points

Weak/minimal summary of paper and inability to explain applicability clearly.

5 points

Incorporates 3 or more references including 1 or more professional nursing articles dated within the last 5 years

4 points

Incorporates 3 references including

1 professional nursing articles dated within the last 5 years

3 points

Incorporates less than 3 references with 0 professional nursing articles dated within the last 5 years

Total / 100

Overall Score

Criteria Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Criterion Score

APA Format,

page length,

Grammar syntax

/ 55 points

Minimal (less than 3) errors APA format,

grammar and/or

syntax. 3-5 pages in length (not including

title and reference page

4 points

3 errors with APA format, grammar and/or syntax. 3-4 pages in length (not including title and reference page)

3 points

More than 3 errors with APA format, grammar and/or syntax. Less than 3 pages in length (not including title and reference page)

Level 3 8 points minimum

Level 2 5 points minimum

Level 1 0 points minimum


NURS 2910 AACN Paper

The AACN papers are an opportunity for the student to reflect on their own feelings, risks, fears, challenges, opportunities, and learning. Each student will submit one AACN paper using the AACN Essentials reflected within their clinical experiences. Submission dates will be posted on the calendar. . Each student must address one AACN Essentials within the paper from the table below. Within the paper, the student will include the use of at least three professional references with one of those being a current nursing article within the last five years to support the AACN

Essential reflected as it relates to the clinical experience.

The student will need to submit one copy of the referenced article as well.

NURS 2910 Clinical Narrative Grading Rubric is posted on D2L

I. Experience: (Description of clinical situation/experience; AACN competenc y)

II. Reflection: (Importance to you; Impact on client; Impact on your nursing practice)

III. Writing Style: (Professional wording and flow; 3-5 pages t yped) and must also include a title page and reference page

IV. Professional Reference: APA Format (7th. edition) See D2L for guidelines

(1 Professional Nursing journal articles published within the last 5 years, no less than 3 full

pages in length)

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