Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Complete one lesson plan for your unit plan using resources and materials from Canvas, lectures, and activities. Must include all materials used during lesson - NursingEssays

Complete one lesson plan for your unit plan using resources and materials from Canvas, lectures, and activities.  Must include all materials used during lesson

Complete one lesson plan for your unit plan (10 points) (TS #1) – using resources and materials from Canvas, lectures, and activities.  Must include all materials used during lesson plan to support student learning.

You will use this lesson when you create your Taskstream Unit plan. You will use ONE of these case scenarios for your lesson plan.


Scenario 1

Your class is comprised of 25 students you are the exceptional student education support facilitator in the class. This means that you go into the class several times a day for specific content areas (e.g., Science). There are 21 typically developing students in the class and 4 students with a-typical development. Although most typically developing students are at grade level, some are not and they often need assistance with vocabulary. Also the ESE students consist of a child with specific learning disabilities (SLD) who is functioning two years below and has difficulty with phonics. A student with Autism who is on grade level phonetically but has difficulty with comprehension and wanting to go to the computer. There are also two students with Other Health Impairment (OHI) due to ADHD; they are on grade level for comprehension but have difficulty initiating or completing tasks.You have been asked by the classroom teacher to create a lesson plan for next week.

Scenario 2 There are 22 students in your designated “Inclusion” class. The designation of inclusion means that although there are two teachers (general education and ESE teacher) in class close to 50% of the students have a disability. The disabilities include 4 students with SLD; two having difficulty with phonics and two with comprehension. There are 3 students with ADHD; two having significant memory difficulties and one having difficulty with organizational skills. One two has intellectual disabilities and is on a modified curriculum. He is on an access point curriculum. Your co teacher asks that you develop lesson plan for coming week. Scenario 3 Although you are the resource ESE teacher at your school , in the afternoon you are the coteacher for Science class. There are 28 students in that class. Three are students with SLD; one having difficulty with phonics and the other two with abstract comprehension (e.g., making inferences). There are two OHI students; one with Epilepsy who has seizure activity weekly and this has impacted his comprehension. The other student is ADHD and Gifted. He has difficulty completing tasks and projects. It is your responsibility to develop the lesson plan for the coming week.



Integrated Subject: Art SubJect Area: Reading Grade: 1st Specific Topic: Comprehension

Scenario: This lesson plan is designed for a small group of 4 students with disabilities. Since the students are in first grade, they are all diagnosed as developmentally delayed. However, one is visually impaired (has partial sight), another shows signs of ASD and has difficulty with comprehension, and 2 have ADHD wtth difficulty focusing and in organizational skills.

Goal: The students will demonstrate comprehension of a story by identifying the different story elements.

Objectives: •l The students will be able to retell a story including characters, setting, problem, and

solution with 70% accuracy. •l Given a first-grade level fictional story, the students will be able to answer questionsl

on the sequence of events with 70% accuracy.l Standards:

•l LAFS.1.RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding ofl their central message or lesson.l

•l LAFS.1.Rl.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.l FEAP:

•l 1.a.1: a – Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level ofl rigor.l

ESOL: •l Domain2, Standard 1: Teachers will demonstrate understanding of language as al

system, including phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics; supportl Ells' acquisition of English in order to learn to read, write, and communicate orally inl Enqlish.l

Materials: •l Whiteboardl •l Markersl •l The Little Yellow Chicken bookl •l Story elements dicel •l Sequence of events graphic organizerl

Accommodations: •l Written and verbal examples provided.l •l Real-world connections.l •l Manipulatives to help retell the story.l •l Peer learning activities.l •l Opportunity to draw instead of write sequence of events.l •l Opportunities to verbally show comprehension instead of written.l •l Use of graphic organizers.l •l Use of movement in the class.l

Set: The teacher will ask the students what they would do if they were planning a party and .flGne of their friends wanted to help. The teacher will tell the students that thex spent days working on the party, decorating; and niaking the cake all by themselves. But then when it came time for the party; their friends all wanted a piece of cake that no one helped to make. The teacher will allow all the stude'nts to share their opinions.

Body (Procedures):

•l Modeled Instruction,! Demonstrate: The teacher will write on the board "Setting,l events, characters, problem, solution, and message." She will explain that every storyl has all these elements. The teacher will then go through each one and explain whatl they are (Setting is where the story takes place, events are what happens in the story,l characters are who is in the story, the problem and how they solve it, and thel message is what they learned from the story). The teacher will give real-worldl examples of each. Their current setting is the classroom, the characters are thel students and teacher, the events include teaching the lesson and completingl activities, and the message would include whatever they learned from the lesson. Shel will explain that today, they will be reading a story and identifying these elements inl the story.l

•l Shared Instruction: The teacher will read the Little Yellow Chicken to the students.l She will stop at certain places to ask questions (on the title page "Who is the author?l Illustrator?" On page 9, "Why do you think his friends didn't want to help the chicken?"l On page 12, "What do you think the chicken is going to do?"). At the end of the story,l the students will have an opportunity to discuss it by sharing what their favorite partl was and why.l

•l Guided Practice I Collaborative Learning: The teacher will explain that they will bel doing an activity with story elements dice. There are 2 dice, each with the differentl elements of a story. One dice has characters, setting, problem, solution, events, andl message. The second dice has who, what, when, where, why, and how. The studentsl will be placed in groups of 2. Each individual student will get 3 opportunities to throwl the dice, but they may work together in their groups to come up with an answer to thel question on their dice. The students will be able to move around the class to throw thel dice.l

•l Independent Practice I Independent Learning: The students will each receive al sequence of events graphic organizer. The organizer has a space for them to writel down what happens at the beginning, middle, and end of the story (The little yellowl chicken is planning a party and none of his friends help. Then his friends want to bel invited in to the party. Next, the chicken calls his grandmother for help. Finally, thel chicken decides to let them in). The organizer also has a space for the students tol draw a picture of the sequence of events.l

Closure: The teacher will ask the students what they would do if they were in the place of the little yellow chicken. Would they allow the friends to go to the party? Why and why not?

Formative Assessment:

• After reading the book The Little Yellow Chicken, the students will retell the sequence of events including the characters, setting, problem, solution, and 3 events with 70%

accuracy .

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