Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Continuing in your role as a juvenile court probation officer and using the same client, Jennifer Scott, from the Week 2 assignment, examine ethical challenges that can impact supervision s - NursingEssays

Continuing in your role as a juvenile court probation officer and using the same client, Jennifer Scott, from the Week 2 assignment, examine ethical challenges that can impact supervision s

Continuing in your role as a juvenile court probation officer and using the same client, Jennifer Scott, from the Week 2 assignment, examine ethical challenges that can impact supervision strategies by writing a 700 word advocacy letter that will be presented to the judge during a hearing on your client’s risk and needs. You may want to review her background again.

Specifically, your letter should do the following:

  • Summarize your client’s situation and major risk factors.
  • Identify 1 ethical challenge that affects your client.
  • Apply 3 ethical strategies that will address the challenge.
  • Examine the role you will have as an advocate.
  • Discuss how advocacy can be used for this situation.
  • Recommend actions that would lead to the desired change.

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