Each student is expected to construct a Classroom-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention
and Support (CWPBIS) framework for his or her school. You are asked to create a plan on how
you will plan, develop, and implement a CWPBIS. Within each of the below components,
there are critical aspects that have been discussed throughout this course. This plan will need to
be no less than 2 pages in length. Be sure to positively state all of the below components. In
addition, you will include relevant documents to the appendices. Feel free to use the
information/knowledge learned in previous modules and readings. Please adhere to the 6 th
edition APA manual. Specific details are recorded below.
Classroom Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Each student is expected to construct a Classroom-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention
and Support (CWPBIS) framework for his or her school. You are asked to create a plan on how
you will plan, develop, and implement a CWPBIS. Within each of the below components,
there are critical aspects that have been discussed throughout this course. This plan will need to
be no less than 2 pages in length. Be sure to positively state all of the below components. In
addition, you will include relevant documents to the appendices. Feel free to use the
information/knowledge learned in previous modules and readings. Please adhere to the 6th
edition APA manual. Specific details are recorded below.
You have learned an immense amount of information about PBIS and how it positively
impacts all students. You all will work in different classrooms and with various students.
Within your CWPBIS framework, you are expected to integrate the following components:
(These components may serve as the headings for this assignment.)
I. Define a CWPBIS framework.
II. Describe why CWPBIS is important to your teaching.
III. Identify the goal or purpose statement for your classroom.
IV. Explain how this goal will be accomplished.
V. State and describe procedures within your classroom (e.g., bathroom, homework,
sharpening pencils, answering questions, free time, group work, calendar work,
lunch, study hour, use of technology et cetera). You may use information you
submitted from your previous assignments.
VI. Define the rules of your classroom. You may use information you submitted from
your previous assignments.
VII. Identify and describe the consequences in your classroom. You may use
information you submitted from your previous assignments.
VIII. Identify and describe the reinforcements in your classroom. You may use
information you submitted from your previous assignments.
IX. Discuss your classroom crisis plan.
X. Discuss your policies for grading (e.g., late work, classroom assignments,
homework assignments, retake exams).
XI. Discuss your attendance and tardy policies.
XII. Develop a table with evidence-based practices you utilize in your work with
students with exceptionalities to positively reinforce behavior and academics.
(You will need to describe at least 3 evidence-based practices, which can be found
in your textbook readings). Be sure to cite separate research for each evidence-
based practice. Be sure to add these citations to your reference list. You may
refer to your prior research conducted in previous modules.
Behavioral contracting
Defines the expected behavior and outcomes for engaging or not engaging in expected behavior
Simonsen et al, 2008
Token economies
Students earn tokens after the desired behavior occurs. Tokens can be cashed in for reinforcers (e.g., activities, desired items)
Fox and Gable, 2004
XIII. Explain how data is collected on your students in your classroom. Attach blank
data collection forms to the appendices.
XIV. Be sure to print and post this CWPBIS framework in your future classroom.