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NURU 641: Psychopharmacology Across the Lifespan Signature Assignment: Psychopharmacology Case Presentation

The chosen medication is Paxil Brand name (paroxetine).

In this power point, two case study is needed 1. when to use to use this medication, & 2. when not to use this medication. 12 – 15 slides including title page and Reference page.

Pls read the attached instructions and requirement carefully.


NURU 641: Psychopharmacology Across the Lifespan

Signature Assignment: Psychopharmacology Case Presentation

Total Points: 300

CLOs 1-7


The Psychopharmacology Case Presentation is a scholarly inquiry into assembling essential elements of a new DNP graduate to

initiate psychopharmacology into practice optimally.

The Psychopharmacology Case Presentation will be the Signature Assignment in the School of Nursing and Health

Professions evaluation system. A description of the assignment and its grading rubric are provided. This assignment is the

Signature Assignment and is due week 7 of the course. The Psychopharmacology Case Presentation provides a student with an

opportunity to operationalize and synthesize a blending of therapeutic approaches with psychopharmacology and demonstrate the

ability to understand when a certain medication is appropriate and when it is not. There will be two case presentations submitted

to Live Text. These presentations will be submitted via voiceover PowerPoint or a video platform such as YouTube or Vimeo.


The following will be expected of each student: Identify 1 psychotropic medication from the list posted in Blackboard (cannot use the

same medication that you used for the teaching tool assignment). Develop (1) one case study that shows how, why and when you would

use this medication and (1) one that shows how, why and when you would NOT use this medication. You may use real or fabricated

patients for these studies. Each case summary will include a full psychiatric initial evaluation of the patient, a summary of their current

condition and treatments used previously. You must justify your decision about the use or non-use of the medication with evidence-based

research. Provide information on your chosen medication prior to the case studies. Briefly and succinctly, tell why it is appropriate or not

appropriate to use the chosen medication at the conclusion of the case study. Demonstrate how each of the patient’s medications assist in

their treatment plan. Provide a discussion of the expected overall encounter with the sample patient including potential barriers/issues that

you might anticipate when working with the clients and explaining why or why not you have chosen or ruled out this medication for

them. Provide an example of how culture and diversity enter into your decision making process for your patient or possible adaptations

that may be required. Provide a summary of conclusions and 3 statements of what you learned from this exercise. The power point/video

should be no longer than 10 minutes, submitted in a timely manner and contain 2 case studies. References as necessary.

Basic Voiceover PowerPoint/Video Requirements

● Each student will submit into Live Text a PowerPoint or video of their chosen medication case studies.

● Please see rubric.

● You may use real patients but use no identifying data.

● You will need different patients for each case study

● The power point/video must NOT be longer than 10 minutes

● Please ensure high quality of the power point audio/video so the reviewer can hear what you are saying


Important Aspects of Assignment

Identification of a medication from the provided list and not used for your medication tool


Tell us all about the medication

Write a case study explaining your use of the medication and a case study when you would not

use the medication

Identifies why each individual approach is appropriate to the case

Discussion of expected overall encounter

Provide an example of how culture and diversity enter into your decision making process for your

patient or possible adaptations that may be required.

Provide a summary of conclusions and what you learned from this exercise

References if necessary

Correctly formatted, good audio, and submitted in a timely manner and not to exceed 10


Elements Within Each Case Study

Identifying data



Case Presentation

Demographics Source

and reliability

Chief Complaint of Patient

History of Present Illness

Current Medications

Past Psychiatric History

Past Psychiatric Medications Substance

Use/Abuse Assessment Medical



Family History – Psychiatric and Addiction History. (Include Medical if Pertinent) Developmental and Social History

Diagnostic Tests Mental

Status Exam Assets and


Physical Exam Findings

Case Formulation Section

Differential Diagnoses

Diagnosis – both medical and psych, DSM and ICD 10 coded

Treatment Plan – Pharmacology – Diagnostic/Lab Work (if indicated) – Evidence-Based

Non-Pharmacological Interventions – Patient and Family Education – Referrals

Grading Rubric: Psychopharmacology Case Presentation











Brief overview of medication

24 points

CLO 1-7

Excellent overview. Excellent significant details. Provides clear understanding of the medication and its use.

Moderate overview. Some significant details. Provides moderate understanding of the medication and its use.

Fair overview. Some significant details. Provides fair understanding of the medication and its use.

Poor overview. No significant details. Provides poor or no understanding of the medication and its use.

No overview.

Case Study #1

100 points

Contains all elements as listed above.

Contains mostly all elements as listed above.

Contains moderate amount of all elements as listed above.

Contains minimal

amount of all

elements as listed.

Contains none of the elements as listed above.

Contains mostly all elements as listed above.

Contains none of the elements as listed above.

Case Study #2 100 points

Contains all elements

as listed above.

Contains moderate amount of all elements as listed above.

Contains minimal

amount of all

elements as listed.

Evidence based research justifying each decision 20 points

CLO 1-7

Identifies why each individual approach is appropriate to the case.

Appropriate but incomplete rationale.

Appropriate but incomplete/and/or unclear rationale.

Inappropriate rationale.

No rationale present.

Overall Encounter and Patient Teaching 20 points

CLO 1-7

Complete discussion of expected overall encounter with the sample patient.

Discussion appropriate but minimal depth or elements.

Discussion appropriate but lacks depth and elements.

Discussion inappropriate or grossly incomplete.

No discussion present.











What you learned and Summary of Conclusions

8 points

CLO 1-7

Three bullet points of thorough and thoughtful statements.

Three bullet points but not thorough or thoughtful.

Two bullet points of thorough and thoughtful statements.

Two bullet points but not thorough or thoughtful.

None or one bullet point.

Application to cultural and diversity

16 points

Provide an example of how these medications can each benefit or not be beneficial to persons with a different culture and/or a diverse background.

Minor missing elements.

Major missing elements.

Incomplete or inappropriate elements.

No discussion of culture and/or diversity.



Spelling and


Organization and


12 points

CLO 1-7

Exceptional use of APA

format throughout paper

and references.

Proper grammar and

spelling throughout.

Exceptional organization

and focus throughout


All referenced materials

properly cited

Few errors in use of

APA format.

Few grammatical

and/or spelling errors.

Organization and

focus throughout


Few missing or

improperly formatted


Many errors in APA


Grammar and/or

spelling errors. Lapses

in organization and

focus, detracting from


Several missing or

incorrect references.

Significant errors in

use of APA format

throughout paper.

Extensive grammatical

and/or spelling errors,

interfering with content.

General lack of

organization or focus.

Poor choices of


No appropriate


Extensive grammatical

and/or spelling errors,

interfering with content.

Improper organization.

No references (if


  • NURU 641: Psychopharmacology Across the Lifespan
    • Signature Assignment: Psychopharmacology Case Presentation
      • Overview
      • Directions
      • Worksheet
    • Grading Rubric: Psychopharmacology Case Presentation

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