Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Students will develop a PPT that will demonstrate a substantive understanding of the six components of reading as a process: Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabul - NursingEssays

Students will develop a PPT that will demonstrate a substantive understanding of the six components of reading as a process: Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabul

Students will develop a PPT that will demonstrate a substantive understanding of the six components of reading as a process: Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.

The Essential Elements of Reading Instruction PPT will include an overview of EACH of the six components of reading including:

  1. Definition of EACH component: (Minimum 1 paragraph/ 1 slide)
    • Define the component in your own words as if you are explaining it to a parent.  (Do not copy and paste from your source)
    • Assessments for EACH component: (3 separate slides, 1 paragraph for each assessment)
    • Identify at least 3 assessments, or which 1 must be formal and 1 must be informal 
    • Provide the name for your assessment and the type (formal or informal)
    • Provide a brief description of your assessment (How do you do the assessment, how do you score, how can you monitor progress?)
    • Evidence-based strategies for EACH components: (3 separate slides, 1 paragraph for each strategy)
    • Identify at least 3 evidence-based strategies that are specifically for the selected component. (e.g., "guided practice", "eye-contact", and "repetition" are not specific strategies for any Essential Element)
    • Briefly describe the strategies (do not just list them)
    • Explain how the strategy can be extended for home learning
    • Credible Resources
    • Use at least 5 related websites and/or resources
    • At least 3 must be from different sources
    • Provide a bibliography with all works cited
    • Grammar, Mechanics, & PowerPoint Etiquette
    • Check for grammar and punctuation (You'd be surprised how many students still begin their sentences with a lowercase letter)
    • Keep the font size and style consistent throughout each slide
    • Do not copy and paste from another source (If you copy and paste, you will not receive a grade for that portion of the project and will result in a deduction of points from your overall score)


  • Create an audio recording that is either embedded in your PowerPoint, attached as a YouTube link, or included as an .MP4 file.
  • Present the information from your PowerPoint pertaining to the six components.
  • Do not read directly from your slides.
  • Make sure you know how to correctly pronounce any new vocabulary.
  • Presentation must be between 15-20 minutes in length.

Standardized Testing Instruments List

1.Standardized assessment involves a predetermined set of assessment items that represent “standards” of knowledge and/or skills. Standardized tests may be norm or criterion referenced, and items are presented to all children in the same sequence, using the same administration procedures and materials. Scoring and interpretation of performance is also standardized. Scores on standardized tests can unfairly penalize specific groups of children, such as English language learners and youngsters with receptive language delays who do not understand verbal directions. Children with sensory and physical impairments may not be able to demonstrate skills if the standard set of materials cannot be modified to accommodate their responses. 2. Norm-referenced assessments compare a child’s score to the scores of a group of same-age peers (norm group). Such a comparison is only meaningful if the norm group includes children who share the language, culture, and/or (dis)abilities of those being assessed. Norm-referenced assessments yield numerical scores that can underestimate the performance of young children with disabilities, those learning English, and those whose early experience differs significantly from the “norm”. Norm- referenced tests are almost always standardized to preserve a consistent basis for comparison of scores. 3. Criterion-referenced assessments measure a child’s performance against a predetermined set of criteria, generally developmentally sequenced or task analyzed skills. Criterion-referenced measures yield performance profi les and numerical scores that refl ect the number of skills mastered. These instruments may be standardized, as in the case of oral reading fluency timings in primary grades, but for developmental content usually allow flexibility in administration procedures and assessment materials. 4. Curriculum-referenced assessments are criterion-referenced instruments that are packaged with an aligned set of curriculum goals. Curriculum-based assessment serves to place children in a curriculum sequence and the same items are used to monitor progress toward learning objectives. These assessments often provide a logical teaching sequence, and may also include instructional activities. 5. Readiness assessments are tests that gather information to determine how well a child is prepared for a specific program. In early childhood, readiness assessments are most frequently used (some would say misused) at kindergarten entry. Readiness assessments become problematic when the results are used to exclude children from programs rather than to identify areas where extra support is needed.

Assessment Resource Age

Bracken Basic Concept Scale: Expressive (BBCS:E) 3 to 6 years

Bracken Basic Concept Scale: Receptive 3 to 6 years

CELF-P Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-Preschool Pre-school to early elementary aged children

CELF-4 Spanish Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-4 6 to 21 years

CELF-4 Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-4 5 to 21 years

CELF-5 Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-5 5 to 22 years

CELF-5 Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Screening Test-5

5 to 22 years

Children's Communication Checklist-2 (U.S. Edition) 4 to 16 years

Communication Abilities Diagnostic Test (CADeT) (Johnson) 3 to 9 years

Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) 3 to 21 years Comprehensive Receptive & Expressive Vocabulary Test (CREVT) (Wallace and Hammill)

4 to 18 years

Criterion Referenced Inventory of Language (Wiig) 4 to 13 years

Emerging Literacy Language Assessment (ELLA) 4.5 to 9 years

Evaluating Communicative Competence-Revised Ed. (Simon) 9 to 17 years

Expressive Vocabulary Test, 2nd edition (EVT) (Williams) 2.5 to 90 years

Functional Communication Profile (Kleiman) 3 years to adulthood

Goldman-Fristoe 2 2 to 21 years

Language Processing Test-Revised (LPT-R) (Richard and Hanner) 5 to 11 years

The Listening Comprehension Test (Adolescents) 12 to 17 years

The Listening Comprehension Test 2 (Elementary) 6 to 11 years

MacArthur-Bates Communication Development Inventories (1- 3)

3-37 months

Montgomery Assessment of Vocabulary Acquisition (MAVA) 3 to 11 years

Oral and Written Language Scales (OWLS) (Carrow-Woolfolk) 3 to 21 years oral scale; 5 to 21 years written scale

Oral and Written Language Scales II (OWLS II) (Carrow- Woolfolk)

3 to 21 years oral scale; 5 to 21 years written scale

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 4 Form A (PPVT-4) 2.5 to 90+ years

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 4 Form B (PPVT-4) 2.5 to 90+ years

Pragmatic Language Observation Scale (PLOS) 8 to 18 years

Pragmatic Language Skills Inventory (PLSI) 5 to 12 years

PLAI 2-Preschool Language Assessment Instrument (Blank) 3 to 6 years, but can be used with older children

Preschool Language Scale, 5th ed (PLS5)(Zimmerman) Birth to 7 years

Rice Wexler Test of Early Grammatical Impairment 3 to 8 years

Screening Test for Developmental Apraxia of Speech, 2nd edition (STDAS-2)

4 to 12 years

Social Language Development Test Elementary 6 to 11 years

Social Language Development Test Adolescent 12 to 17 years

Test de Vocabulario en Imagenes Peabody (TVIP) 2.5 to 18 years

Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language-3 (TACL-3) (Carrow-Woolfolk)

3 to 10 years

Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language-4 (TACL-4) (Carrow-Woolfolk)

3 to 10 years

Test of Adolescent Language-4 (TOAL-4) 12 to 24 years

Test of Adolescent/Adult Word Finding (TAWF) (D. J. German) 12 to 80 years

Test of Aided Communication Symbol Performance (TASP) Children through adults

Test of Early Language Development-3 (TELD-3) 2 to 8 years

Test of Language Competence-Levels 1 & 2 (Wiig and Secord) 1.5 to 10 years Level 1; 9- 19 years Level 2

Test of Language Development-Primary 4th edition (TOLD-P:4) 4 to 9 years

Test of Narrative Language 5 to 11 years

Test of Pragmatic Language: 2 (2nd ed. of TOPL) 6 to 18 years

Test of Problem Solving-3: Elementary (TOPS-3) 6 to 11 years

Test of Problem Solving Adolescent (TOPS) 12 to 17 years

Test of Word Finding 2nd ed. (TWF-2) (D. J. German) 6.5 to 13 years

Test of Word Knowledge (Wiig and Secord) 5 to 17 years

Test of Written Language-3 (TOWL-3) 7.5 to 18 years

WH Question Comprehension Test (Vicker) 3 years and upward for verbal children

The Word Test 2-Adolescent 12-18 years

The Word Test 2-Elementary 6 to 11 years

Additional Tests: Assessment Resource

Age Description/ Contents

The Apraxia Profile (Hickman) 2 to 12 years Assists SLP in documenting oral- motor sequencing difficulties.

Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech (Yorkston and Beukelman)

Adolescent to adult Assesses single word and sentence intelligibility and speaking rates of dysarthric speakers.

Assessment of Phonological Processes-Revised (APP-R) (Hodson)

Preschool through older school aged children

Depending on the age of the student, one of two screening protocols are used to identify phonological problems. Object kit is included with the test.

Children's Speech Intelligibility Measure (CSIM) (Wilcox and Morris)

3 to 10 years Child repeats various words which are later judged for intelligibility by a naive listener.

Dysarthria Examination Battery (Drummond)

Children to adults Evaluates responses in the areas of respiration, phonation, resonation, articulation, and prosody.

Dyscalculia Assessment (Drummond)

Children to adults A complete assessment tool for investigating math difficulties in children, this book also provides advice for implementing the findings into teaching plans.

Kaufman Speech Praxis Test for Children

Pre-school Diagnostic procedures for developmental apraxia; basic level treatment kit also available.

Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, 3rd edition (KLPA)

2 to 6 years Helps translate data from the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation into phonological process information.

Prosody – Voice Screening Profile (Shriberg)

Young children to adults This manual and two audio tapes help clinicians address the domains of phrasing, rate, stress, loudness, pitch, and quality.

Ross Information Processing Assessment-Primary (RIPA-P)

5 to 13 years Suitable for students with TBI or other neuropathologies and students with learning/language learning disabilities. Subtests assess memory, spatial and temporal orientation, organization, problem solving, and abstract reasoning.

Screening Test for Developmental Apraxia of Speech (STDAS) (Blakeley)

4 to 12 years Evaluates expressive language discrepancy, vowels and diphthongs, oral-motor movement, verbal sequencing, motorically complex words, articulation, transposition, and prosody.

Social Responsiveness Scale, 2nd edition

2.5 years to adulthood Identifies the presence and severity of social impairment within the autism spectrum and differentiates it from that which occurs in other disorders.

Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS) (Gresham)

3 to 18 years Provides a brief assessment of problem behaviors that may interfere with a student's ability to acquire or perform social skills.

Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (TONI4) (Brown)

6 to 90 years Evaluates cognitive ability using nonverbal formats and pointing responses to measure general intelligence.

Token Test for Children 3 to 12 years Tokens are manipulated in response to linguistic commands.

Verbal Motor Production Assessment for Children (VMPAC) (Hayden and Square)

3 to 12 years Identifies children with oral motor problems and subsequent impact, if any, on speech production.

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