Thoroughly read Collins/Kanashiro's Chap. 7, Ganesan's Chap. 5 (pp. 47-87),
and Warren etal 2014: OneSearch: to an external site.
Then, respond to the following three questions in preparation for our class discussions and break-out groups:
1. Outline at least five key topics for a 90 minutes in person ethics training workshop for your current employer (or recent past employer).
2. Which ethics personality surveys would be most beneficial to employees? To employers? Why?
3. Describe how an AI platform ethics training workshop would differ in both benefit and hindrance to an effective ethics training workshop.
Memos / Forums – Section Summary
Forums and Memos are due prior to the start of every Thursday class … before 3:30 pm
Weekly Memos and Forums require that you respond to my posted questions about the assigned chapters, readings, and to one another on some assignments. Your writing must be analytical, researched, and individually written 3 – 4 full paragraphs in your own words ( NO copied wording; NO quotes!)
Hint: Does your written discussion demonstrate: 1) your comprehension of the assigned readings, 2) your own edited analysis of the key concepts/arguments from the readings with corrected spelling and grammar, and 3) a Reference section at the end of your posting listing your cited text pages and external business news/website/other research sources in APA reference format (Wikipedia is NOT a permitted reference!)
Memos / Forums are Due: prior to the start of each class (submission portal closes at exactly 3:30 pm each Thursday) [NO make-ups, late, or emailed submissions!]
GRADING: 0 – 10 pts. each week's submission. Excellent and complete analytical writing uses clear references to the assigned readings without grammatical errors. Points are reduced for incomplete, vague, inaccurate, off-topic discussions and needed edits. Did you list your references at the end of your document – Author, Text/Article, pg. numbers used?? Copied or plagiarized memos = 0 pts and a discussion about academic integrity / referral to Office of Student Conduct (
My comments for each week's assignment and your grade points will be included in your gradebook before the next class meeting.