What changes should be made in the helping system to better serve children in the future? Thinking further, what societal changes are necessary to protect children in the twenty-first century?
Total Points: Each Discussion Board in Unit 8 will be worth 20 points
Please make sure to review this rubric carefully before participating in the weekly discussions, as this rubric may be different from ones you may have seen in previous courses.
Discussions are a significant part of online learning. Consider this your "in-class time," where you can interact with your classmates and instructors to discuss what you have learned from the course materials and how it relates specifically to you.
For each unit Discussion Forum, you will be graded on the following criteria:
• Main Post-Response Quality: Main post should be well elaborated and highly detailed in the
discussion of required readings, demonstrating mastery of the course material, and containing new or original thought. Relevant theories, concepts, and/or research findings should be consistently incorporated to support opinion statements.
• One Reply Post-Response Quality: Reply posts should be highly detailed, thoughtful,
relevant, and foster further learning and discussion of the classmate's or instructor's post. Relevant theories, concepts, and/or research findings continued to be consistently incorporated in order to support opinion statements.
• Professional Communication: Communication should be professional with no errors relative
to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.
Reminder, Unit 8 Discussion Boards close on Friday. See rubric for additional posting requirements.
Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
Human Services & Sociology Week 8 Discussion Board Rubric
Evaluation Rubric for Week 8 Discussion Boards
CRITERIA Deficient Proficient Exemplary
0 points 5 points 10 points Main post- Response Quality
Main post was missing or needed significant content and/or clarity improvements. Relevant theories, concepts, and/or research findings were not incorporated in order to support opinion statements.
Main post was sufficiently detailed in the discussion of required readings, demonstrating understanding of the course material, and containing new thought. Relevant theories, concepts, and/or research findings were sometimes incorporated in order to support opinion statements.
Main post was well elaborated and highly detailed in the discussion of required readings, demonstrating mastery of the course material, and containing new or original thought. Relevant theories, concepts, and/or research findings were consistently incorporated in order to support opinion statements.
0 points 3 points 5 points Reply post- Response Quality
One or no posts were submitted, or the posts needed significant additional content and/or clarity.
Reply posts were sufficiently detailed, thoughtful, and relevant, and fostered further learning and discussion of the classmate’s (or instructor’s) post. Relevant theories, concepts, and/or research findings continued to be incorporated in order to support opinion statements. Response could be further elaborated with specific details.
Reply posts were highly detailed, thoughtful, and relevant, and fostered further learning and discussion of the classmate’s (or instructor’s) post. Relevant theories, concepts, and/or research findings continued to be consistently incorporated in order to support opinion statements.
0 points 3 points 5 points Professional Communication
No submissions. Communication was professional with minor errors relative to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.
Communication was professional with no errors relative to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.