Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Write an Integration assignment’ that articulates a key theme from at least two sections (What is Love? and What is Prayer?) under review and integrate that theme into their own u - NursingEssays

Write an Integration assignment’ that articulates a key theme from at least two sections (What is Love? and What is Prayer?) under review and integrate that theme into their own u

Write an “Integration assignment" that articulates a key theme from at least two sections (What is Love? and What is Prayer?) under review and integrate that theme into their own understanding of religion, faith, and reason. The total length should be at least 750 words, times new roman, double spaced. Be sure to cite and reference sources, particularly for direct quotations using APA. Below is what is expected in the two parts:

First write an introduction paragraph. Then Parts 1 and 2.

Part 1 –

A –Identify a key theme, paragraph, or point (related to what is love) from the sources below that interests you the most and annotate that this theme occurs in the selected section “What is Love?”

– Catechism (1110-1666):

– Lumen Fidei (p. 37-45):

– Deus Caritas Est (p. 1-15):

– Lumen Gentium (p. 1-17)

B – List and describe passages from sources provided towards “What is Love” that discuss this theme, paragraph, or point you provided.

C – Identify a second key theme, a paragraph or point that is related to the initial theme, paragraph, or point (from Part 1 – A above).  Be sure this second theme, paragraph, or point is from a different section than your initial theme, paragraph, or point (Section selected is What is Prayer)

D – List and describe three points of connection between your first theme/paragraph/point and your second theme/paragraph/point.  In other words, how are your two themes/paragraphs/points related?

E – Formulate a thesis that explains how these two themes/paragraphs/points are related.

Part 2 –

A – Formulate your response to the thesis from Part 1 – F above.  You might begin Part 2 with “I agree…” or “I disagree…”

B – Integrate your own understandings of God, yourself, and the world with the scripture passages and themes that you identified.

C – Explain at least one counterargument to your rationale

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