Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Writing for social justic You will write a 7-paragraph classical argument that takes a position on that issue. Many topics are listed later in this document and should be related to the - NursingEssays

Writing for social justic    You will write a 7-paragraph classical argument that takes a position on that issue. Many topics are listed later in this document and should be related to the

Writing for social justic


You will write a 7-paragraph classical argument that takes a position on that issue. Many topics are listed later in this document and should be related to the chosen theme. You do not need to limit yourself to just this list. 

Essay 2 Assignment: Classical Argument

ENGL 102

Spring 2024



Choose a controversial issue that coincides with the theme as assigned by each instructor or theme chosen by each instructor/student.. You will write a 7-paragraph classical argument that takes a position on that issue. Many topics are listed later in this document and should be related to the chosen theme. You do not need to limit yourself to just this list.

The stand you take must be your own opinion about the issue. The essay must contain the following:

Your position on the topic (thesis paragraph and 3 supporting paragraphs);

An opposing position on the topic (the counterargument);

A synthesis of the opposing position with your own by effectively refuting it (rebuttal); and



1. How to conduct research in Google Scholar and BSU Library’s OneSearch

1. How to read a scholarly peer-reviewed article

1. How to discern the validity of sources

1. How to introduce source material into your essay

1. How to create an annotated bibliography

1. How to create in-text citations in MLA style

1. How to create a works cited list in MLA style that corresponds with in-text citations

Grammar Lesson: TBD by each instructor

You must first submit a 1-page Statement on Planned Research. This statement will lay out the topic and three questions about the topic you want to study. See the examples in the module. It will also lay out why you are interested in studying the topic and what you expect to learn through this analysis. The topic must be approved by your instructor.

The second activity is to create an Annotated Bibliography of 3 sources by conducting research on your topic. See Annotated Bibliography Assignment Sheet on page 3. The sources can be changed in the final paper, but the annotated bibliography that you submit will be a graded assignment separate from your essay assignment.

The third activity is to draft your argument that your reader should agree with the stand that you take. Remember that your job is not to summarize the sources for your readers. It is to provide a sense that multiple viewpoints have been considered on the topic as you developed your conclusion. This rough draft will be reviewed by your peers during an in-class session.

The fourth activity is to review the rough drafts of at least two of your classmates. These peer reviews will be submitted in the Final Portfolio.

The fifth activity is to revise the rough draft into a polished Final Draft . Incorporating feedback from peers, from the Writing Center, or Smart-thinking is required.

The sixth and final activity is to write a Reflection Memo that details what you revised and didn’t revise and the reasons that you made those choices. Your memo will not be graded for grammar, but you should try to answer as specifically and clearly as possible. The memo should explicitly answer these four questions:

· What did you understand about the changes asked for in your essay by your reviewers? Be specific.

· What changes did you make during the revision process and why?

· What changes did you not make and why not?

· What did you learn about the research process and how will you use it in the next assignment?

Deliverables: 1) Statement on Planned Research, 2) Annotated Bibliography, 3) Rough Draft 4) 2-Completed Feedback Sheets, 4) Final Draft, and 6) Reflection Memo. Submit the final draft and the memo together as one Word document.

Rubric Detail



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Name:  Argument Essay Rubric

Description:  The classical argumentative essay must contain scholarly evidence of research (i.e. various sources, interviews, quotes, and sufficient statistical data) to develop an argument that incorporates at least one valid opposition to its position and refutes that opposition.


Levels of Achievement:

A9 (9.00%) - 10 (10.00%)

Thesis statement is in the form of a declarative sentence that states clearly and concisely the student's main opinion and directs the reader to the body of essay. It attempts to compare/contrast, prove cause/effect, or propose a solution to a controversial issue and is error free.

B8 (8.00%) - 8 (8.00%)

The thesis statement offers an opinion that will be argued in the form of a declarative sentence but is a bit too broad. It establishes the topic or stance that directs the reader to the body of the essay. It might contain one error which does not impede meaning.

C7 (7.00%) - 7 (7.00%)

Thesis statement is in the form of a declarative sentence, but it is vague and does not make a concrete point to be argued. The topic needs to be more focused in order to provide a clear direction for the body of the essay. It might contain several errors that do not impede meaning.

D6 (6.00%) - 6 (6.00%)

The thesis statement is not in a declarative sentence and/or inadequately identifies a topic or fails to establish the direction of the essay. Multiple errors impede meaning.

F0 (0.00%) - 0 (0.00%)

Thesis is missing.


Levels of Achievement:

A26 (26.00%) - 30 (30.00%)

Uses all assigned content to illustrate proficiency of the topic and analyzes it with relevant terminology and sourced evidence. Works cited list or list of references is presented at the end of the argument.

B22 (22.00%) - 25 (25.00%)

Uses appropriate, relevant content to illustrate the topic and to analyze the required argument type; uses appropriate terminology and with sourced evidence. Works cited list or list of references is presented at the end of the argument.

C19 (19.00%) - 21 (21.00%)

The position is supported but the use of evidence needs to be improved. Works cited list or list of references is presented at the end of the argument.

D16 (16.00%) - 18 (18.00%)

The essay does not represent the required type of argument and/or position is weakly supported. There is little analysis; Use of appropriate terminology needs to be made evident. Works cited list or list of references is presented at the end of the argument.

F0 (0.00%) - 15 (15.00%)

The essay does not represent the required argument in either sequence or ideas. Transitions and topic sentences are missing. Poor handling of the topic and analytical process. There is no works cited or references page. No assignment submitted.


Levels of Achievement:

A22 (22.00%) - 25 (25.00%)

Presents ideas in a logical and cohesive sequence, with paragraphs that have topic sentences and transition words or phrases that reflect the assigned argument. The introduction and the conclusion connect to the prompt and topic very well. It presents the points and takeaways in a superior manner.

B19 (19.00%) - 21 (21.00%)

Presents ideas in a cohesive sequence, with paragraphs using topic sentences and transition words or phrases that need to be strengthened. Logic of sequence is not explicit but argument type is clear. The introduction and the conclusion connect to the prompt and topic. It presents the points and takeaways in an adequate manner.

C16 (16.00%) - 18 (18.00%)

Presents ideas in a sequence of pars with vague transitions. Topic sentences are present but need to be revised for clarity. Argument type needs to be made more clear. The introduction and the conclusion somewhat connect to the prompt and topic. It presents the points and takeaways competently.

D13 (13.00%) - 15 (15.00%)

Ideas are not presented in a logical sequence; transitions and topic sentences are not clearly used. The introduction and conclusion do not connect to the prompt and/or topic. Argument type is unclear.

F0 (0.00%) - 12 (12.00%)

The essay does not represent the required argument in either sequence or ideas. Transitions and topic sentences are missing.

MLA Citations–

Levels of Achievement:

A18 (18.00%) - 20 (20.00%)

All sources required have been used in the body of the essay and are listed in the works cited or references page. They are introduced and cited in the body of the essay according to MLA or APA style with only 1-2 minor errors. Essay consistently uses one documentation style, either MLA or APA.

B14 (14.00%) - 17 (17.00%)

Most sources are introduced but all of them are cited using MLA or APA. Work cited or references page adheres to MLA or APA with only 1-2 major errors and 2-3 minor errors. Essay consistently uses one documentation style, either MLA or APA.

C10 (10.00%) - 13 (13.00%)

Only a couple of sources are introduced but all are cited according to MLA or APA. In-text citations and works cited or references page has 3 major and 4-5 minor errors.

D6 (6.00%) - 9 (9.00%)

Sources are not introduced but most of them are cited using MLA or APA with 4 or more major errors. Work cited or reference page is either not present or contains 6 or more major errors.

F0 (0.00%) - 0 (0.00%)

Sources are neither introduced nor cited. Portions of the paper are plagiarized. A work cited or reference page may or may not be present.

SAE Grammar/Mechanics–

Levels of Achievement:

A12 (12.00%) - 15 (15.00%)

The essay demonstrates mastery in conventions of SAE grammar and mechanics. Essay has onlywith only 1-2 major errors and/or 1-2 minor errors. Essay is double-spaced.

B9 (9.00%) - 11 (11.00%)

The essay contains 1-2-major errors and 1-2 minor errors in its use of SAE but they do not impede meaning. Essay is double-spaced.

C7 (7.00%) - 8 (8.00%)

The essay has 3-4 major errors and 3-4 minor errors in its use of SAE. Essay is double-spaced.

D4 (4.00%) - 6 (6.00%)

The essay has 5-6 major errors and 5-6 minor errors in its use of SAE. Essay needs to be double-spaced.

F0 (0.00%) - 3 (3.00%)

The essay has more than 6 major and more than 6 minor errors. Paragraphs are not double-spaced and other spacing problems make the essay difficult to read.

Name: Argument Essay Rubric

Description: The classical argumentative essay must contain scholarly evidence of research (i.e. various sources, interviews, quotes, and sufficient statistical data) to develop an argument that incorporates at least one valid opposition to its position and refutes that opposition.

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Suggested Topics

· Obesity in American society

· Using AI in college writing

· Student loans

· Great sports figures

· Great musicians

· School shootings

· Mass incarceration in American

· Privatization of prisons

· Racism

· Misogyny

· Drinking age

· Electric vehicles

· Public education

· Video games

· Online-bullying

· Banned language

· Youtube and the future of television

· Veganism

· Fake meats

· Professionalizing college sports

Annotated Bibliography

Prompt: The writer of an annotated bibliography compiles a list of sources to build research. The form includes a brief summary of the source, your own critical assessment of its currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose (CRAAP) , and statement of how your source will help you make your argument. It is a tool that helps you keep an organized and thoughtful record of the research process and relevant information about the topic.

This argument requires that your annotated bibliography have 4 sources: The bibliography will include 4 types of textual information:

1) One mainstream and accredited news/ magazine article,

2) One professional website

2) One scholarly/academic “peer reviewed” article,

3) One legitimate web-based multimedia or blog-style article.

Format: Your annotated bibliography must answer: 1) What is the information in the article you are summarizing?, 2) What is your critical assessment of the article by using the CRAAP method?, and 3) How you will use it in your assignment?


1. Cite in MLA-citation format the name of the article.

2. Draft one paragraph for each of the sources you list in your annotated bibliography.

Rubric Detail



Top of Form

Name:  Annotated Bibliography Rubric

Description:  An annotated bibliography compiles a list of sources to build research. The form includes a brief summary of the source and your own critical assessment of its relevance, objectivity, appropriateness, and usefulness. This rubric will assess how you are able to evaluate and summarize information from a resource and how well you are able to adhere to MLA/APA citation requirements.

Content & Evidence–

Levels of Achievement:

Excellent45 (45.00%) - 50 (50.00%)

Research topic is clear. All citations are annotated with the learner's summary of the source, evaluation of the source using the CRAAP method, and a statement on how the source will be used the student's argument. Sources include all genres required.

Proficient40 (40.00%) - 44 (44.00%)

Research topic is clear. Required number of citations and annotations are given. Annotations might have a few grammatical errors but they do not impede meaning. Annotations include the learner's summary of the source but might have a few quotations. Evaluations of the sources use most of the elements of CRAAP. Statements on how the sources will be used in the student's argument is clear.

Competent35 (35.00%) - 39 (39.00%)

Research topic is clear. Required number of citations and annotations are given. Annotations might have multiple grammatical errors that impede meaning. Annotations include the learner's summary of the source but might contain mostly quotations. Evaluations of the sources use most of the elements CRAAP. Statements on how the sources will be used in the student's argument is clear but contain multiple grammatical errors that might impede meaning.

Inadequate30 (30.00%) - 34 (34.00%)

Topic and/or types and number of sources do not reflect the assignment. Annotations contain grammatical errors that impede meaning. Only 1-2 elements of CRAAP are provided. Annotations might be heavily quoted instead of summarized and/ or statement of use of source in the student's argument is not provided.

Unsatisfactory0 (0.00%) - 29 (29.00%)

The bibliography does not contain any of the required types of sources. Grammatical errors impede meaning.

Information Literacy–

Levels of Achievement:

Excellent45 (45.00%) - 50 (50.00%)

MLA or APA is consistently used for all sources. All or most citations are correct. Genre of each type of required source is labelled accordingly at the end of the annotation.

Proficient40 (40.00%) - 44 (44.00%)

Research topic is clear. MLA or APA citations might have a few errors but there is consistent use of the documentation style. Genre of most of the sources is labelled accordingly at the end of the annotation but might include only 3 of the required sources.

Competent35 (35.00%) - 39 (39.00%)

Research topic is clear. MLA or APA citations have multiple errors but meaning is still clear. Documentation style of either MLA or APA is consistent. Type of source is labelled accordingly at the end of the annotation but might include only 2 of the required genres.

Inadequate30 (30.00%) - 34 (34.00%)

Citations are not correct and might be a mix of MLA and APA styles. Only one of the required genres is used and labelled. Genres of sources are not specified.

Unsatisfactory0 (0.00%) - 29 (29.00%)

There are no citations or only minimal amount of information is given and does not follow either MLA or APA documentation style. Genres of the sources are not specified.

Name: Annotated Bibliography Rubric

Description: An annotated bibliography compiles a list of sources to build research. The form includes a brief summary of the source and your own critical assessment of its relevance, objectivity, appropriateness, and usefulness. This rubric will assess how you are able to evaluate and summarize information from a resource and how well you are able to adhere to MLA/APA citation requirements.

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